LeetCode 환경을 이해해 보기 위해서 첫 Weekly Contest를 기다리고 있다.
내일 시작한다고 하는데, Important Note를 읽어보면 몇가지 제약은 있는 것 같다.
- New Contest Rule : leetcode.com/discuss/general-discussion/951105/new-contest-rule-effective-from-december-2020
제출을 여러번 하면 서버 부하가 있을 수도 있어서 그런건지 5분 제약이 있고, 일부 test case는 공개하지 않는 것으로 보인다. 사실 테스트 케이스는 문제에 주어진 제약조건을 보고 유추해 내는 것도 어느정도 실력이라고 판단하는 지표가 아닐까 싶다.
퇴근할때마다 하나씩 풀어보겠지만.. 얼마나 풀 수 있을지는 잘 모르겠다..
사실 Participate Prize는 받아보고싶어서 하는건데 언젠간 200th 안으로 들어오기를 바라본다.
Welcome to the 234th LeetCode Weekly Contest
Important Note
- To provide a better contest and ensure fairness, we listened to LeetCoders' feedback and put in lots of thoughts behind the updated contest rule. Please check out our new contest rule which covers more scenarios with details explained.
- The penalty time of 5 minutes will be applied for each wrong submission.
- To ensure the fairness of the contest, LeetCode will hide some test cases during the contest. When users submit incorrect submissions, LeetCode will not show the hidden test cases to the users.
- The final rating of this contest will be updated within 5 working days after the contest.
Below actions are deemed contest violations
- One user submitting with multiple accounts during a contest. LCUS (leetcode.com) account and LCCN (leetcode-cn.com) account are considered to be separate accounts, even if both accounts belong to the same user.
- Multiple accounts submitting similar code for the same problem.
- Creating unwanted disturbances which interrupt other users' participation in a contest.
- Disclosing contest solutions in public discuss posts before the end of a contest.
- :
- LeetCode heavily emphasizes on the justice and fairness of our contests. We have absolutely
- First violation: LeetCoin amount resets to zero and a contest and discuss ban for 1 month.
- Second violation: Permanent account deactivation without appeal.
- for violation behaviors (such as plagiarism, cheating, etc). When a user is deemed violating contest rules, we will apply the following penalties on this user:
- Furthermore, we encourage all participants to contribute to maintaining the justice and fairness of our contest. Users who submit valid violation report(s) will earn additional LeetCoins:
- For each violating participant, the first 10 users who submit the violation report towards this participant will each earn 20 LeetCoins.
- Each user can earn up to 100 LeetCoins for reporting violations in a contest.
- Users will not be rewarded LeetCoins for reports on LCCN users.
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