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English board

could, but then, would, so 연습

by Warehaus 2021. 3. 30.

나는 새로운 컴퓨터를 사려고 알아보고 있어요..

Apple 제품을 좋아하지만 이번에는 좀 어려울 것 같아요.

중고제품을 살 수도 있지만 그런경우 사기를 당할 위험이 있어요. 정상 제품인지 보기가 어렵거든요.

그래서 현재로서는 저렴한 ASUS 나 한성 제품을 사는게 좋을 것 같아요.

내구성은 떨어지지만, 그래도 새거니까요.


Recently, I'm looking for a new computer (laptop) before this semester.

Personally, I prefer Apple's one such as Macbook pro or Macbook but I just can't swing it right now.


I could look into the second-hand market (thrift shop), you know there's a K-goodwill nearby. But then I would have to risk getting a faulty one because I can't check if it's fine and also, they won't guarantee their items.  


So, at the moment, I think my best option is to get a new reasonable one such as ASUS or Hansung. It won't be reliable but at least it'll be new.



*swing it : 감쪽같이 가로채다, 잘 해내다.

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