학습한 단어
Medical device
vital sign
get a foothold in
~에 거점을 확보하다
market demand
competitor produce
경쟁업체 상품
financial modeling
재무 모델링
(등산) 발 디딜 곳, 발판
n. A trusted advisor who is experienced.
v. to stuff oneself with food.
게걸스럽게 먹다. 배터지게 먹다
adj. shy, hesitant, fearful
adj. a situation said to be prerfect
v. to be troubled or worried
Ice breaking
covid 19 confirmed cases has been dramatically increaded in South Korea.
Today, the cases are confirmed over 200,000. It's almost the greatest number in the world.
Key expression
in the works.
- we have a new smart medica ldevice in the works.
- All the testings are in the works.
- All the pipelines are in the works.
groundwork to cover
- We have a lot of groundwork to cover
work around the clock
밤낮없이 일하다
- We might be able to do it if we work around the clock.
- My team worked around the clock for the project in the last year.
play hardball
강경한 입장을 취하다. 목적을 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는다.
- If we want to get a good deal, we'll have to play hardball.
- In this year, you should play hardball to meet the requirement.
Men in their 30s and 40s
30~40대 남자
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