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English board/Voca

[Voca] Shoddy, Transpire

by Warehaus 2021. 5. 21.


adj. of poor quality or make; dishonest

품질이 떨어지는, 허술한


- Mary told her friend that leaving her alone at the mall was a shoddy thing for him to have done.

Mary는 친구에게 몰에서 혼자 두고 떠나는 것은 그가 한 엉뚱한 일이라고 말했다.



v. to happen; to become known

발생하는, 알게되는


- After the dance, it transpired that the bus had a flat tire.

춤을 춘 이후, 버스 타이어가 터져버렸다.