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[Voca] 매일 단어 - Hoax, Qualm

by Warehaus 2021. 5. 22.


n. a practical joke; something intended to deceive

실리적인 농담, 속이려는 의도가 있는 것

- David's hoax turned out to be a bad joke.

David의 농담은 좋지 않은 방향으로 변했다.

- I like hoxing but, people don't like it.

나는 저질 농담하는걸 좋아하는데, 사람들을 그렇지 않다.


n. a feeling of illness; a disturbing feeling

불편한 느낌

- My girlfriend felt qualms on her belly. I think she had lain face down a long time.

- Liars have no qualms about telling lies. I hate that kind of people.