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[전화영어] 스피쿠스 전화영어 22년 2월 16일 표현 / be equipped with / lightweight - 가벼운 / on the market 시판중인 을 영어로

by Warehaus 2022. 2. 18.

오늘 수업에서 나온 표현들을 정리해 보려고 합니다.


be equipped with ~

~을 갖춘



> This product is equipped with water proof circuits.

> My car is equipped with automated sunroof features.





> This meterial is lightweight

> My glasses is lightweight


on the market

시판중인 을 영어로


> This is cheaper than other productes on the market.

> It's on the market so, you can get it easily everywhere.


Just in time

적기 납입 방식


Capacity utilization

설비 가동률


> You should consider capacity utilization when you install new facilities.


Cut corners

절약하다, 생략하다