It's our honor to invite you to attend
당신을 초대하게 되어서 영광입니다.
- It's our honor to invite you to attend this meeting in this year.
- It's our honor to invite you to attend NVIDIA conference in 2022.
~ is a ~ dedicated to ~
~는 ~하기위해 노력하는 ~이다.
- My team is a professional team dedicated to encouraging scrum meeting every day.
Kindly provide us your response by ~ so that we can ~
저희가 ~할 수 있도록 ~까지 답변 부탁드립니다.
질문 답변하기
누군가를 초대하는 것은 상당히 어렵고 어떤 문화에서는 초대하는데 특별한 예절같은게 있는 경우도 있다. 한국에서 누군가를 초대할 때 관습같은게 있다면 말해봐라.
Well, it's sometimes stressful to invite someone but, I'ven't had many chance to be invited by others or to invite someone to an event in different cultures so, I have no idea on this. In South Korea, if we need to invite someone to attent an event, we normally go to the place earlier then, wait for attendee. And also, if the meeting place is hard to get for a stranger, we generally wait for the person in front of the gate. Sometimes the host sends a car to the hotel or accomodation where visitors say for business but it's not common in general situation.
at one's earliest convinience
조속히, 가능한 빠르게
registered mail
contact point
연락 담당자
with kinds regards
편지를 전하며
with much appreciation
감사하는 마음으로
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