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How much does it cost for wedding in South Korea? - 1

by Warehaus 2022. 4. 18.

Wedding in Korea

In this year, I've been planning wedding with my fiance.
Sometimes it's quite stressful but having time to discuss our plans for the wedding with her is always good.


I bought an engagement ring which is about 2 carat diamond.
It was about 30,000,000won ( about 27,000$ )

The cost was crazy though, it was valuable.

Wedding hall

Honestly, the cost for the wedding hall depends on the situation.
Someone wants to have the wedding an extravagant place but, I don't know. I guess some couple don't want to pay much cost for it.

However, you need to think about parents / parents in law.
Historically, they might have given their money to others' wedding events ( colleagues, families .. ) every time when they've been the parties. So, most of parents have reward psychology on the wedding. You might think "what does that matter?" but, it matters.

To invite engough acquaintances, you should look for larger place than where you've expected and also, the food should be nice to satisfy them.

I said "It depends on the situation" but, gneerally, couples who prepare the wedding should be ready to pay about 15,000,000~20,000,000 won (13K~18K $) for the hall in 2022.

Hoo.. well, these are just about engagement ring and the wedding hall.
I still have a lot of things to prepare such as the gifts for the family, honey moon and so on.

I will consider that in the next post.